The domestication continues with one of my favorite snacks/desserts: Banana ChocChip anything! This was supposed to be banana bread but I couldn't find the proper baking pan so I opted for muffins. This is probably the easiest recipe you can get, my friends mother gave it to me a few years back and although it's fairly easy...I have yet to perfect it.
Things I learned / Note to self...for next time:
1. Check to make sure the oven is empty before you pre-heat....
2. not forget the Pam, this is a mistake I seem to always make no matter how many times I remind myself "don't forget the pam" "don't forget the pam"....yeah, I forgot the pam. Thankfully I used Mama T's brand spanking new non-stick muffin pans and they were amazing! Those suckers poped right out...not like my bunt cake massacre of 2011...yikes.
3. Cupcake pans are a surprising pain the rear to wash
4. Toothpicks are a necessity to checking when done (see image below..."ouuu" "ahhh")
5. It's probably a good idea to slow down the mixer and then add the flour to avoid winter in your kitchen
6. I never knew how to effectively remove the mixture from the wisp thingy <-- wispy thingy, that's legit right? I sure know what I'm talking about ;)....SO...lower the mixing bowl then turn the mixer to high speed and all the excess mixture just flies right off. Easy Peasy. Thanks Mama T!
NOTE! BAKE TIME: The cake recipe said one hour so I thought 30 minutes would be best for muffins. They were
Hope you all enjoyed! xo
Quote of the day:
"All you need is love. But a little chocolate now and then doesn't hurt" - Charles M. Schulz
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