What is your drink?

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Happy Sunday everyone!

I have been editing away for most of the weekend in order to get back to regular scheduled blogging (hoorayy). Whenever I am in Starbucks (which is usually 2-3 times a day) I always like listening to what other people order...what is their signature drink? So ladies and gents, I'm curious...what is your go-to drink? Perhaps Starbucks isn't your cup of coffee/tea...Timmy's? Timothys? Second Cup?

Thanks to my cousin about a year ago I switched from my peppermint mocha to one pump white mocha americano...MMMmm delish and getting it iced on a hot day...perfection!

Hope you all have a relaxing Sunday!

Enjoy xo

Quote of the day:
"Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once the child grows up" - Pablo Picasso


  1. I'm a big starbucks fan, but I'm afraid my signature drink is quite lame: caramel macchiato. again, and again, and again.....


  2. haha! i'm with petra - i'm usually just a house brew with skim and a bit of cinnamon. but when i'm doing it up big, i can't help but go for a (skinny) mocha! or during the holidays, peppermint is the boooomb.

    hope you're having a great weekend, miss!


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