Parisian Breakfast

Monday, February 21, 2011

Hello Monday. Hello Family Day!

I hope you all had wonderful weekends! The photos above are from our second day in Paris, a very intimidating waiter came up to us and asked us in French what we wanted...I guess we both panicked (in a good way) because we continued to order our entire breakfast in he walked away we looked at each other surprised and impressed...who knew we had it in us?! This breakfast was basically carbs with a side a was delicious and very satisfying. I can't express how FRESH everything is in Paris, you will never be served a stale croissant...ever.

In other news, I wanted to acknowledge some fabulous ladies who awarded annawithlove with the Sylish blogger award and the Cherry top award a few months ago! I am a bit delayed (very sorry ladies) but these awards mean so much to me and was thrilled when I received them! Be sure to check our their blogs because they are awesome!

Have a fabulous day loves! Enjoy xo

Quote of the day:
"It is our choices that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities" - J. K. Rowling


  1. mmmm what gorgeous photos. it really makes me wish my breakfast this morning could have been in paris, instead of on our couch :) and happy family day to you too!
    xo meg

  2. I am loving all of your beautiful Paris pictures! It sort of makes my mouth water to see all of the tasty breakfast foods. Too funny how you ordered the entire breakfast in French after being intimidated. I would have struggled... I'm not so great with French. (:

    I really like that last b&w shot with the red Metro sign. Very artist... belongs on a wall somewhere.

  3. YUM. the orange juice looks AWESOME.

  4. I wish I was there right now. Just perfect.

  5. can't get enough of the food pics..keep it up! not to mention a perfect quote to end. love this post

  6. this post makes me want to go back to paris! aren't their croissants to die for?! (actually, all their food is to die for) i'm convinced there must be at least a stick of butter in each one... ;)


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