Louvre at night: Part 1

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

The Louvre at night...have you ever seen anything more magnificent? This is by far my favorite place to sit at night in Paris.

Back in September I wasted away two hours just gazing into all the lights, taking in the atmosphere silently alone with nothing but my thoughts. It was perfect. I couldn't wait to get back, so I went straight there my first night in Paris. It's quiet, a bit eerie, calming and just stunning to look at...I guess you get the picture, I absolutely love it.

There were too many photos to put in one post so stay tuned tomorrow more for!

Enjoy xo

Quote of the day:
"Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgment that something else is more important than fear." - Ambrose Redmoon


  1. Absolutely mesmerizing! Beautiful photos!

  2. Stunning photos! The lights and architecture is amazing! I want to go there soon one day! xo

  3. I've been there twice, but never when dark... must try that next time :-)

  4. Oh Anna! That first photo has such an amazing moody feeling. I love your photography. Oh, and BTW, I'm so glad you mentioned Kam Jey, and the hair comment, because once I got over to his blog, and really started reading some of his funny photo posts- they are just laugh out loud funny. (And you two both take amazing photos, you obviously were meant to be lifelong friends) :)

    -My Beautiful Life

  5. amazing photos! :)


  6. gorgeous!!!! your photos are amazing!!!!! :)


  7. gorgeous photos! the lourve is so pretty at all times of the day, but especially at night! i only had a quick glimpse of the lourve at night during a quick trip through paris a few years ago - these photos are just how i remember it!


  8. SO WONDERFUL! I'm in love with this place and this photos! They have something great! I would like to come back to Paris t visit again Louvre!

    Could you check out mine and follow me? I'll be very happy if you do it!
    Thank you so much!


  9. great photos. I love the Louvre. I walked past there so many times, but I doubt I can ever get used to how grand it is!

  10. The first two are very beautiful, you are very good!


  11. I just linked to your blog from another. What beautiful pictures of the Louvre... amazing! I'm following your blog so I can see more beautiful photos. (:


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