Thursday, September 29, 2011

I am very excited to share with you all another PHOTOGRAPHER SPOTLIGHT on the fabulous Stacey Kinkaid. It's interesting how Stacey and I met, she is the cousin of an old coworker of mine and when I was just beginning in photography he directed me to her work which I instantly adored.

For the spotlight Stacey wanted to photograph myself and the bf, he kindly obliged (a million thank yous Ko for being as awesome as you always are xo). We had such a fun time and Stacey made us feel so comfortable in front of the camera, her kind and generous personality made for a really relaxed atmosphere which is perfect!...Hope you all enjoy! Check out her blog for more photos!
What first interested you in photography? What do you love most about it
My grandparents’ photo albums first interested me in photography.  I would look through them for hours.  There were black and white photos that documented their lives.  I especially loved one of my grandparents in a rowboat.  

What I love most about photography is searching for the scene or the moment….it allows you to find something interesting and hopefully something beautiful in every situation and every location.  When I’m taking photos, I’m calm and happy.  What I love most about wedding photography is the connections between people…capturing connections not only between the bride and groom but between siblings, parents and friends.

What kind of photographs do you most enjoy taking?
Portraits and landscapes
What’s in your bag?
Main Camera Canon 5D Mark II  Back-Up Camera 5D Lenses:  I use prime lenses

Favourite lens
I find ‘favourite’ questions difficult…I really like variety.  I use the Canon 85mm 1.8 & Canon 24mm 1.4 a lot.

Your Pick! Who would you most want to photograph and why?
My grandparents…I never got the chance to photograph them.

List some of your favourite photographers
So many! To name a few..Wedding photographers Sean Flanigan, Jonas Peterson, Nordica Photography, Jose Villa.  Landscapes David Burdeny, Chris Friel, Christian Chaize
Your inspiration on a daily basis? What is your muse?

Favourite photographer dead/alive?
I really can’t choose.       

Tell us a little bit about your work flow/editing process?
I try to keep my photos as natural as possible; I don’t want them to look too processed.  I use Photo Mechanic to sort the photos and then import the keepers to Lightroom for basic adjustments like exposure/white balance.  Finally a bit of Photoshop. 

Film or digital camera?
Digital.  I have a few film cameras but they are just for fun.
The Big Picture (where do you want to be in 5 years? 10 years?)
Shooting portraits and weddings with a successful business.  Most importantly I hope that I am happy and still feel energized by the work that I do.

Magazine of choice?
I like many different magazines …W magazine and Frankie are two of my favourites.  

Favourite band?
Again I like a lot of different artists….I’m really enjoying the Yeah Yeah Yeahs right now.

Best coffee table/photography book?
I can’t say I have a favourite.
Describe your dream photoshoot (location and all):
In Australia, on the water, at either sunset or sunrise, with a really cool couple in love.

Favourite lighting to shoot in?

Best part of being a photographer?
People trust me to document some of the most important times in their lives and I have the opportunity to witness incredibly special moments.  The best part is definitely the emotion and connections between people.

Worst part?
Trying to differentiate myself from the hundreds of wedding photographers out there.  I try to be true to myself and my style. 
Breakdown a typical day-in-the-life?
A typical wedding day is 8-12 hours.  It is fast-paced and high adrenaline –  I’m very focused on documenting everything and providing clients with the best images that I can.

Most memorable moment as a photographer so far?
Too many to share….First-looks are one of the most memorable wedding moments for me (when a bride and groom choose to see each other in a private moment before the ceremony).  

Your personal favourite photo you’ve taken to date? (yes, I’m making you pick):
The moment you knew you were meant to be a photographer, any one in particular?
I don’t think it was one particular moment. The interest has always been there and I’ve always been passionate about it...I lose track of time when I’m shooting and editing photos.  I love it.

Tips/words of wisdom for aspiring photographers just starting out?
Shoot as much as possible, experiment and follow your instincts.  

Best advice you’ve ever gotten?
Be yourself.

And there you have it...!  Probably the most you've seen me in the past year on my blog :P, hope you enjoyed it, keep an eye out for the next photographer spotlight coming very soon! xo

Be sure to check out Stacey's website HERE


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