The Top 5 series continues with 5 of my favourite mugs! Can't say I have just ONE favourite, these ones below are part of my weekly rotation. I do have a bit of an addiction with buying new mugs, and it takes me longer than necessary in the morning to pick which mug I'd like to start my day off with. I take into account what my mood is, what I'll be working on for the day, nail polish colour...if it clashes it will annoy me every time I reach and pick it up to take a sip. I know, I know, ridiculous and crazy but I did it subconsciously until Kosta asked what I was doing when he walked into the kitchen and I was eyeing down the cabinet of mugs then I realized just what I was doing and laughed at myself. I know I can't be the only one! I don't just make things look nice/pretty for Instagram or the blog, I live in it day in and out. Little things like that brighten my day. I'm a photographer, we're a visual bunch.
The Perfect Colours. I have a large Pantone Mug collection these two (
above/below) are definitely my favourites. Available online at
Happy Friday all :)
Lots of love,
Quote of the day:
“You can't always get what you want but if you try sometimes you might just might find you get what you need”
- Rolling Stones